1. The first article takes a look at
psychological techniques used by elite coaches to enhance their team’s
performance and be successful.
Freitas, Simão, Claúdia Dias, and António
Fonseca. "Elite Soccer Coaches use of Psychological Techniques." International
Journal of Psychological Studies 5.3 (2013):
56-70. ProQuest. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
2. The second article gives helpful insight on
how to get into the soccer-coaching world.
Barker, Ian. "Not a Member? Join the NSCAA
Today." Getting Started in Soccer Coaching. NSCAA, 1 Feb. 2013. Web.
29 Oct. 2014.
3. The third article is about a masters degree
program started specifically for soccer at a university.
Carr, Dr. David. "Ohio
University." Coaching Education- Soccer Track (M.S.R.S.). Patton
College of Education, 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.