Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Well-Planned vs. Summoned Life

According to David Brooks there are two ways you can live your life. In "The Summoned Life" Brooks describes to us these two lifestyles. The first one is the “Well-Planned Life” in which you look at your life in terms of goals. More importantly, we have to look at our life in the long-term goals. He’s not saying that you have to know exactly what you want to do with your life at the age of 10, but he is suggesting that we start planning and doing things that will help us find out what we want to do. Brooks says," life comes to appear as a well-designed project, carefully conceived in the beginning, reviewed and adjusted along the way and brought toward a well-rounded fruition". On the other hand, Brooks explains a completely different way of living “The Summoned Life”. In my opinion this way of life is a lot more carefree and easy going. I say that because in this way of life we just go with the flow. We might know what people have said about a certain place or situation, but we are not able to fully understand it until we go through the same thing. In “The Summoned Life” we find ourselves down an unknown path hoping to discover our meaning through our experiences. Compared to the “Well-Planned Life” where through setting goals and working hard we are supposed to find a better future. Personally, I find myself stuck between the two ways of life. At the end of the day I am working towards the goal of being successful in the future, but I have yet to decide specifically how and by what (well-planned). In order to find out how and by what, I find myself exploring different things and “just going with the flow” as I said earlier (the summoned life).

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